Information about the An Post Urlingford branch in Kilkenny, Ireland. Services available at this branch, including how to locate the branch and what are their business hours.
The An Post Urlingford branch is located in Kilkenny, Ireland, providing a range of services for customers including post, parcel, and money orders. Customers can also purchase postage stamps and collect packages at this location.
The branch is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 5:30pm and on Saturday from 9am to 1pm. The address of the An Post Urlingford branch is 4 Urlingford Carpark, Urlingford, Co. Kilkenny, Ireland.
In addition to the services offered at the branch, customers can also contact An Post customer service representative via email, phone, or post. An Post also offers an online portal where customers can view their account information and manage their services online.
An Post provides a wide range of services to customers in Kilkenny. Customers can look forward to the convenience of having their own post office in the local area. The Urlingford branch also provides a safe and secure environment for customers to conduct their postal business.